Atari 2600 Video Game Console Papercraft

Atari 2600 02

This week’s console papercraft is the 2600 from Atari. There were many different versions made, but I think I got the main ones.

The original “Heavy Sixer” comes with a paddle controller and Kaboom.

The “light sixer” comes with a classic joystick, the Starpath Supercharger add-on and the Phaser Patrol game cassette. Plus, just for fun, the original Sony Walkman.

The “4-switch” version comes with Star Raiders and that game’s keypad controller.

The Atari 2600 Jr silver comes with the 2600 Jr controller and Klax (the last officially released cartridge).

The Atari 2600 Jr black version comes with Asteroids and the Starplex controller, specifically designed for that game.

And just for fun, the Atari Flashback 4 (my own) with the remote joystick.

There are plenty more versions, including the all-black “vader” version, a bunch of Sears Tele-Arcades, at least one more Jr version, plus the Coleco Gemini and all the adaptors for other systems. I might make all of those one of these days, but probably not.


Atari Lynx and Lynx II Video Game Console Papercraft

Atar Lynx 01

The first color handheld game system was the Lynx system from Atari.

My papercraft design for the original Lynx was pretty straightforward, except for the hand grips on the back. I had to use a bit of artistic license on them. Plus, it turns out that the cartridges were inserted inside one of the grips (I never actually owned a Lynx), so I had to create a cart port that resembles the Lynx as close as I could get it.

The Lynx II was a bit more design-intensive, just because I couldn’t quite get some of the folds to work properly.  I ended up having the top and bottom pieces separate, which is a bit less aesthetically pleasing, but a lot more functional.

Here is a shot of my collection so far, to give a size perspective:

collection 004

Atari Lynx

Nintendo Switch Video Game Console Papercraft

Nintendo Switch & dock 1

Since I did the very first home video game console last week (the Magnavox Odyssey), I thought it would be fun to do the latest video game console: the Nintendo Switch.

The console and controllers actually came from this site:

I shrunk it down so it would be in the same scale as my other console and created the docking station.


Here is the printout if you wanted your own:

Nintendo Switch

Vintage video game Cristmas tree

This is my version of the ultimate classic video game Christmas tree. I used all of the little game figures I made, plus a few extras. I made a little papercraft 2600 business card holder (from here: ). And it looked so cute I made a little Intellivision and Odyssey2 to go with it. They are my three favorite classic systems, plus all the figures on the tree come from them.

I also made three extra figure ornaments, one for each system. The Atari’s is Pitfall Harry, the INTV’s and the O2’s are the built-in iconic figures.

The joystick on the top was my daughter’s idea. She was just joking of course, but it looked pretty cool, so I kept it there.